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How Long Does AcceleDent Last?

If you are a busy, active person who doesn’t want to spend too much time using braces or other orthodontic techniques to improve your teeth, you should consider using AcceleDent to accelerate your treatment. At Nasser Orthodontics in Shreveport, LA, we can use this specialized mouthpiece to quickly straighten your teeth and fix other orthodontic problems.

How Long Does AcceleDent Last?

AcceleDent is a specialized technique that uses SoftPulse Technology to help your braces, Invisalign, or other orthodontic treatment quickly improve your teeth. We will provide you with a specialized mouthpiece to use in the comfort of your own home. This mouthpiece will use gentle pulses to accelerate your teeth’s response to your other orthodontic treatments.

A Quick Treatment

Since your sessions with this specialized mouthpiece will not last for very long, you won’t have any problems fitting your treatment into your daily routine. You will need to use your mouthpiece for 20 minutes every day. To quickly straighten your teeth, you should use this device for continuous 20-minute sessions. You should try to avoid interruptions during this time period.

A Multitasking Opportunity

When you turn on the mouthpiece, it will send gentle pulses into your teeth. These pulses will be very comfortable, and you will be able to multitask while you are using this mouthpiece. For example, you could choose to watch television, listen to music, or read a book while the device is improving your teeth. Alternatively, you could answer work emails or complete homework assignments.

How Do I Use This Mouthpiece?

This innovative device includes a mouthpiece, an activator handle, a power adaptor, and a USB charge.

Charging Your Mouthpiece

You will need to power your mouthpiece before you use it to improve your teeth. You can charge your device with a computer or an outlet in your wall. Since this device comes with a medical-grade rechargeable battery, your mouthpiece will hold its charge for a long period of time. In general, you will need to charge the device every three to five days. When the device is low on power, an orange indicator light will turn on.

Positioning Your Mouthpiece

To use your device, you will need to turn it on using the activator. Once the device has turned on, the LED light will become green. You will also need to put your mouthpiece over your teeth.

If you are using this technique in connection with braces, this device will easily fit over your brackets and wires. To keep the mouthpiece in position, you will need to bite down onto this device. This pressure will enable your mouthpiece to stay in place during your treatment. You should not use your hands to keep the mouthpiece over your teeth.

Vibrating Your Teeth

As the mouthpiece begins to work, you may feel a gentle pulsing sensation. You’ll need to keep your mouthpiece in your mouth for the next 20 minutes. You should not turn off your mouthpiece during this time.

Finishing Your Treatment

After the 20 minutes are complete, you should take out your mouthpiece and detach it from the activator. Next, you should gently rinse your mouthpiece with lukewarm water. You should also periodically brush your mouthpiece with soap or toothpaste. If the applicator becomes dirty, you should use a cloth to cleanse this part of your device.

Tracking Your Sessions

There’s no need for you to write down your sessions or use other methods to keep track of your treatments. This device uses a sophisticated FastTrac system to monitor your daily sessions. This system will record your sessions and give you information about your progress.

How Does This Treatment Make My Teeth Straighter?

This device uses pulsing technology to help your teeth respond to your braces or other orthodontic treatments.

Understanding Your Teeth

To learn how this mouthpiece works, you will need to learn about the components that surround your teeth. Each of your teeth is surrounded by gingiva, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone.

Gingiva is gum tissue that keeps your teeth sealed. A periodontal ligament, also known as PDL, is a membrane that covers the bottom section of each of your teeth. Finally, alveolar bone is a strong bone material that covers your teeth sockets.

Moving Your Teeth

Braces and Invisalign improve your smile by applying force to your teeth. This force will cause bone cells known as osteoclasts and osteoblasts to begin moving in the periodontal ligament that is located around the roots of your teeth. These movements will change your alveolar bone and enable your teeth to become straighter.

Speeding Up Your Improvements

Since the 1980s, scientists have studied the effects of vibration on bones. During these studies, scientists learned that using machines to vibrate bones can help fractures heal more quickly. Our specialized mouthpiece uses this technique to increase tooth movement during orthodontic treatments.

This device will send light pulses into the roots of your teeth. As this force enters your teeth, it will stimulate your cells and enable your teeth to quickly respond to your braces or Invisalign treatment. In fact, studies have shown that this device can make your orthodontic treatment work up to 50% faster.

Can I Speed Up My Treatment by Increasing the Length of My Sessions?

To achieve the fastest, most dramatic improvements in your teeth, you should follow all of our instructions carefully. In particular, it’s important to wear your mouthpiece for one continuous 20-minute session every day. Performing additional sessions or wearing your mouthpiece for longer periods of time will not decrease the amount of time that you need to spend wearing your braces or Invisalign treatments.

Is This Orthodontic Treatment Safe?

Since the FDA approved this device, many people have successfully used this mouthpiece to shorten the length of their orthodontic treatments. Further, clinical trials have shown that this is a safe technique that produces reliable results.

The idea of using vibration to move your teeth might make you feel nervous or uncomfortable. However, you shouldn’t feel worried when you start using your mouthpiece to accelerate the movement of your teeth. This mouthpiece will use controlled, gentle pulses to improve your teeth. In fact, the force that you apply to your teeth when you chew food is more than 200 times greater than the force that the mouthpiece will apply during your 20-minute session.

Can I Wear My Mouthpiece When I Am Sleeping?

You should not use this device while you are sleeping. Since you are only supposed to use your mouthpiece for 20 minutes, you shouldn’t fall asleep with this device in your mouth.

Instead, you should incorporate your sessions into your daily routine. For instance, you could turn on your mouthpiece when you begin your morning routine. Since you don’t need to use your hands to keep the device in your mouth, you could check emails or do chores during your 20-minute session. If you are in school, you could study for a test or finish a homework assignment while you are wearing your mouthpiece.

Can This Mouthpiece Fix My Teeth on Its Own?

Although this mouthpiece is very effective, it cannot improve your teeth by itself. To achieve your desired changes in your smile, you will need to use this treatment with braces, Invisalign, or other orthodontic techniques. Fortunately, we offer many different types of braces and other tooth-straightening techniques at Nasser Orthodontics.


You don’t have to use traditional metal braces in order to use this sophisticated mouthpiece. Since this mouthpiece will work with many different types of braces, you can use clear braces, self-ligating braces, and other discreet, attractive options to quickly straighten your teeth. For example, Damon Clear is an innovative orthodontic technique that uses tieless brackets and sophisticated archwires to improve your teeth.

This treatment, which is also called Damon Smile, will decrease the amount of friction that you experience during your treatment. As a result, you will feel comfortable as your braces quickly straighten your teeth. In addition, Damon Clear is less noticeable than the old-fashioned brackets that are used to make traditional metal braces.


AcceleDent also works with Invisalign. When you use this technique to enhance your smile, you will wear see-through, plastic aligners over your teeth. These aligners use pressure to correct bite problems, crooked teeth, and other issues. When you combine Invisalign with our specialized mouthpiece, your teeth will quickly respond to your aligners, and you will be able to enjoy your attractive smile in a shorter period of time.

Can I Save My Money by Sharing My Mouthpiece With a Friend?

You should not share your mouthpiece with a family member or friend. Although this device is very gentle, it must be used under the supervision of a trained professional. Before we give you a prescription for this device, we will evaluate the health of your teeth and design a unique orthodontic plan for you.

Will My Medications Interfere With This Treatment?

Some scientific studies have indicated that taking ibuprofen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications might impair your teeth’s response to your orthodontic treatment. In particular, these studies suggest that these medications, which are known as NSAIDs, may slow the movement of your teeth. However, these studies have not analyzed the impact of these medications on AcceleDent.

In general, you should tell us about any NSAIDs, supplements, and medications that you are taking during your initial consultation. We can let you know if these medications are likely to interfere with your orthodontic treatment.

Who Is Eligible to Use This Mouthpiece?

This technique is a great option for teenagers, young adults, and other people who want to quickly straighten their teeth. We frequently combine this technique with traditional braces, clear braces, or Invisalign.

If you are a good candidate for these orthodontic treatments, you will probably be able to use this sophisticated mouthpiece to shorten the length of your treatments and achieve straight, beautiful teeth. However, you will need to have an initial consultation before we provide with you a prescription for this device. This meeting will allow us to examine your teeth and select an appropriate tooth-straightening method for you.

Improve Your Teeth

If you are interested in fixing your crooked or crowded teeth before your wedding day, a special vacation, or another significant deadline, you should consider using AcceleDent to make your braces or Invisalign treatments more effective. This mouthpiece can decrease the amount of time that you spend receiving orthodontic treatments. To learn whether you are a good candidate for this technique, contact us at Nasser Orthodontics in Shreveport, LA.

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